Friday, January 16, 2009

Top 5 Bakugan Toys

This holiday season, Bakugan toys were at the top of almost every child's wish list. Stores could not keep them in stock and many parents were forced to pay a premium to purchase them on eBay to ensure their children received the ones they wanted so dearly.

Below you will find the latest list for the top 5 Bakugan toys of this season.

1. Bakugan Battle Brawlers battle pack - the pack contains 6 random bakugan marbles and 6 gate cards and 6 ability cards. This is enough for two children to play the official game.

2. Bakugan Battle Brawlers starter pack - this pack contains 3 random marbles and 3 gate cards and 3 ability cards. This is enough bakugan toys for one child to play the official game.

3. Bakugan Battle Brawlers booster pack - this pack contains just one bakugan marble and 1 gate card and 1 ability card. You are able to see which type on bakugan you are getting in this type of pack.

4. Bakugan Battle Brawlers bakutin - this collectible storage tin contains 2 exclusive marbles and 5 of each card type. The tin has 2 storage trays with enough room to hold 18 marbles and about 50 cards.

5. Bakugan Battle Brawlers Arena - This is the official "arena" for the battle game.

These toys are hard to find and when a store does get them in stock they tend to sell out very quickly. There seems to be no slowing down for the excitement over all of the bakugan toys. The above are easily the top 5 most wanted toys. Make sure to check your local stores often to avoid paying higher secondary market prices.

Ernie B is part of a father son team that loves to play and collect Bakugan toys. You can get more information on Bakugan Toys at their website Bakugan Buzz includes all the latest news and information on Bakugan as well as an active forum community.